Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Difference between CCTV DVRs and NVRs

It is technology that has brought drastic changes in our lives. Each day something new is being invented and that’s how we are enjoying a comfortable life.  One of the greatest innovations made so far is the Closed Circuit Camera (CCTV) which is used for the purpose of surveillance. Be it office, house, shopping malls, public places or schools, CCTVS can be found everywhere. In fact it is the CCTVS that have helped in cracking many criminal cases.
DVRs and NVRs are important components of CCTV cameras.  However, both DVR and NVR are used to record and store videos from the cameras but they are different from each other.
A DVR or Digital Video Recorder is mainly used for Analog surveillance cameras. These recorders have system management software that allows to view the camera. Moreover this traditional recorder can be used without internet connection. On the other hand NVR or Network Video Recorder is the new age product that is used in IP cameras. This recorder can be accessed via Local Area Network or internet and one can also stream a live video. Even they allow the usage of any recording software to record the videos as well. Now that you have a little idea about these two CCTV recorders, here are their differences.
·         When using the NVRs, the videos are encoded in the cameras that you can simply convert the videos to any format.  The video then can be streamed in the NVR after which it can be viewed via a network.  On the other hand DVRs do the encoding in the DVR and not in individual cameras.
·         Another difference between NVR and DVR is the access. To watch a recorded video you need to be near the DVR, while in case of NVR , you can watch the video remotely.
·         Lastly pairing the cameras with NVRs is complicated which is not so in the case of DVRs.

NVR is the advanced recorder while DVR is the traditional one . When buying recorder do check that it is compatible with the cameras.

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