Thursday, June 9, 2016

Top Security Devices to install when your Kid is alone at Home

Nowadays both parents work to meet their lives demand. And as a result they have to leave their kids at home alone or under the supervision of a nanny or maid. But then they always worry about their children’s safety as these days even a house is not considered a safe place.  Accidents are common at home and so are burglary attacks.
Due to the increasing rate of crime, the surveillance industry has come up with security devices that can keep kids safe at home when their parents are not around.  
Burglars and intruders look for an opportunity to barge into the house when the kids are home alone. To combat the situation video door phone were invented. It is more like an intercom system with a video displaying who is at the door. This device tells you who is at the door and if it is a stranger then you need not open it.
CCTV Cameras have become an integral device for home security. It lets you know who is coming to your house and also helps in monitoring the nanny. These surveillance cameras should be installed both inside and outside the house to ensure complete safety of the little ones. The best part about IP Camera is that you can see the video footages from anywhere. So, most people have their access in their smartphones.
Many cases of fire accidents happen when children are alone at home. And that’s why smoke sensors are useful. Whenever there is fire this device detects the smoke and raises an alarm. This device can be installed in the key areas of the home.
Baby monitors are quite common these days. You can watch your infant sleeping or playing on the crib in your phone. And for this you need a reliable internet connection to always continuously keep a check on your child.

With many security devices, there is no need for parents to worry about their kids’ safety when they are alone at home. Hope some more such devices are launched in the coming years to provide full –proof safety. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Evolution Story of CCTV Cameras

Today, CCTV cameras have become part and parcel of our lives. Be it home, shopping malls, schools, roads, airports or offices, this new age camera can be found almost everywhere as it has emerged as one of the best security systems. Many terror attacks, criminal activities have been solved only with the help of CCTV cameras. 
CCTV (Closed circuit television) cameras are basically about the usage of videos that are transmitted to specific location and displayed on a set of monitors. This technology is not something new; it has just evolved over the years.
Reports say that the first CCTV camera was installed by Siemens AG in Peenemunde, Germany in the year 1942 to monitor the launch of V2 rockets. It was designed and installed by famous engineer Walter Bruch.
US got its first CCTV Camera in 1949 called Vericon, but till date very little is known about it.  On the other hand UK implemented in the 1960s. From the 1970s, these surveillance cameras become more advanced and gradually reached other countries of the world. During this phase, VCR technology become popular as it made recording and erasing information simpler.
During the 1990s multiplexing solution was developed, which allowed many cameras to record at once. Soon, these surveillance cameras could be seen in various places like schools, public parks, and streets to deter crime and ensure safety. It was in the late 90s when the first IP camera came into existence and it could and receive data through a computer network.
Today, from any corner of the world by using internet and wireless network, videos can be watched. Even they have face recognition feature to provide complete security to the people. Surveillance system has become all the more advanced because of the constant terror threat and increasing rate of crime. And to a large extent this technology has been able to overcome these problems.
Over the years, we hope that the CCTV cameras become all the more advanced to bring full proof safety in the lives of human being.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Purpose of video compression in your security system

Surveillance industry has given us several options to keep our property safe. All of us know about CCTV cameras and video door phone. But, very less people are aware of some hidden technologies. These technologies are meant to enhance the quality of the data that is being saved and are known as video compression. Also, these tools are meant to transform the data into the size that increases their convenience of storage.
You guys must be wondering that what is a video compression and what role does it play in our surveillance systems. In easy words this system compresses the recorded video. The experts would describe this technology in technical terms. They would describe video compression technology as the mode that is largely used to reduce and remove the redundant video data. The basic purpose of this device is to reduce the size of the video, as this would help in sending them conveniently over the network to be stored on computer disk.
Now most of you must be thinking that this would damage the video quality but it would actually not happen. This problem was already sensed by the experts so they came up with tools and solutions to keep the video quality intact. While video compression two methods are typically used to reduce the size of video
·         Lossy compression:
Lossy compression focuses on reducing the size by identifying and removing unnecessary features. But, it takes care that this loss is undetectable.
·         Lossless compression:
This is another method of reducing the size of data that is transmitted to the storage unit. A good thing here is that it doesn’t involve the loss of any data.
These two basic techniques are extremely important as it is impossible to transmit and store the video in its original size. Compression is considered to be a very useful technique. By reducing the size of data to be stored, it enhances the efficiency of the storage unit and this is the basic purpose of this technique.  

Pctkart has cctv cameras which have the video compression features. To check its product range click here

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

All that you need to know about Biometric Technology!

In the era when security breaches have become a very common affair, surveillance industry is working hard every day to ensure security of the humans and important data.  We may all know about CCTV camera , video door phones but there is something called biometric technology that is being widely for surveillance purpose.
Biometric technology is basically used to identify a person by analysing and measuring biological and behavioural traits. Finger prints, hand pattern, irises, voice pattern and many others are characteristics are used to verify a person. It has emerged as the safest way to ensure safety as these biological features cannot be stolen, forgotten, shared, hacked, or duplicated. This new age technology helps in controlling fraudulent activities, access control and other security issues.
Verification through biometric technology has become widely popular especially among the corporate houses and public security systems. It is used not only to safeguard data but also manage the attendance of the employees. The biometric devices mostly come with a scanning device, software to convert the information into digital form and a data base for comparison of data.
The device has software which is mainly used to match the scanned data. The software has match points which in the database are processed through algorithms and then converted to numerical value. The information in the database is compared with the information into the scanner to authenticate it or deny it.
Mostly this new technology is used for manage attendance in office through biometric attendance machines. This system makes the employees punctual, reduces the cases of buddy punching, and brings discipline in the organization. It helps the HR department to calculate leaves, half days and total working hours. The best part is that these machines are easy to use and quite quick in getting information required by the management of the company. Due to its many benefits more and more corporate firms are ditching the traditional attendance register and installing these machines.

If you are looking for biometric attendance machines then check them at Pctkart, your surveillance products shop. For more info click here!  

Friday, May 27, 2016

Video surveillance trends gradually transforming the security industry

Each and everyday technology is coming up with new ways to make our lives more convenient. And so much so that now we are totally dependent on a basic appliance like a juicer and blender. When technology has penetrated into our lifestyle completely then there is no reason for why the security of our property should be dependent on the old and conventional ways.
It can be said that the security cameras and videos door phones, that were once considered to be an option, are now an integral part of our security. From a small store to colossal official complexes, you will find CCTV camera and video recorders keeping an eye on all your activities.
Since, the surveillance industry has grown to the size of a mammoth; there are some raging trends that you must know about.

Surging demand for video surveillance:

We all should be thankful to the contribution made by the surveillance industry. It is because of the inventions like CCTV cameras and video door phones that our security levels have reached great heights.

Integrating the basic the needs for security:

The level to which the security has risen is all due to the constant advancement in the technology. It is this technology that enables you to keep a watch on the security data from anywhere using tablets, mobile phones and laptops. It would be interesting for you to know that intruder alarm, CCTV and access control are now form the part of a single system. 

4K is the new high definition:

Lately there has been a gush in the market that HD is being replaced by 4K resolution. The clarity and the colour richness that the 4K resolution offers is difficult to be matched by any regular high definition CCTV camera or video door recorder.

Video analytics:

Video analytics have always been and will always be there. The only difference would be the techniques of analysis. For example there was a time when the analytics disclosed the entry of the person to the restricted area. Today, the clarity of vision is such that you are able to interpret what the person, entering the area without access, is aiming at. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Complete your home security system by adding video door phone to it

Technology is now an integral part of our lives, a fact that no one will deny. Now that it is touching almost every aspect of our life, then why not use it to keep our house guarded against anti-social elements?
You must have seen large offices equipped with CCTV cameras. For your knowledge, this trend not restricted to just commercial complexes. Residential buildings have this equipment keeping an eye on each and every corner. As we all know that security is the major concern for all the people then, let us make it more powerful by adding video door phones to the surveillance system.
Video door phone allow the user to talk to the visitor before he allows the latter one to enter his home. This intercom system would strengthen the security system of your house as you can restrict the entry of the one you are suspicious about.
Here are some popular options you can chose from:
1.       Wireless video door phones:
The best part about using this system is that you are not required to lay down an extensive network of wire and thus, it stays protected from tempered easily.
2.       LCD video door phones:
Normal systems do not give a clear picture when it is pitch dark. The benefits of using this system is that you get know who is on the door even when there is very less light.
3.       Screen video door phone:
These systems are somewhat similar to the wireless system. The only difference is that they provide high level clarity for your home and for your vicinity as they use crystal clear and colour display.
4.       Hands-free Intercom with 3 Camera Outdoor Station:
A normal hands-free intercom comes with two cameras. But, this variant has three cameras in the system and thus, is used to by people who are looking for systems that provide high level of security.
Now it is time for you give rest to your conventional security system and let the technology take over. Get your house fully secured by using CCTV Camera as well as video door phone system because it enables you to see who is on the door before you let him enter.   

Friday, May 20, 2016

CCTV cameras-a futuristic approach to security and surveillance

Decades ago detecting a crime would depend on the efficiency of the detective hired to work on the case. No matter what, the truth never hides for long. This stands true for bygone days as well; the only problem being that in those days offence took a little long to come out. Now that those days are gone, such troubles while detecting a crime as well. Let us discuss about what brought this change and how it has helped significantly in reducing the level of criminal activity throughout that world.
The world today is technology driven then, how can surveillance sector be left untouched. In fact, the latest studies have revealed that the CCTV industry is one of the largest growing sectors given the need for high level of security. Talk of an apartment, a bungalow or a large official complex, there is a slight possibility that you will not find a cctv camera there. Time changes and so does the rules of living.
CCTV cameras can be thought of as the future of surveillance industry. The rate at which it is adapting to latest invention and making space for cutting technology is very fast. Some of the most famous CCTV cameras that are dominating the market are
·         Infrared or night vision CCTV cameras
·         Day/night CCTV cameras
·         Network IP CCTV cameras
·         Wireless CCTV cameras
·         HD CCTV cameras
·         Bullet CCTV cameras
·         Dome CCTV cameras
·         Hidden cameras
·         Pan lit zoom cameras
Given the diversification of the techniques and the technology, different types of cameras have captured markets. The efficiency with which we are able to track the series of events in a complex with the help of these devices, it is for sure that they will be ruling the future of surveillance as well. So, if you haven’t got one for your office or home, hurry up.
This technology, by far, is an impressive way to keep anti-social element in line with the legal framework. Thus, this is the reason that government is drastically expanding their expenditure in getting this system installed to cover the streets as well. The popularity that technology is gaining as made it a sought after asset and thus, it is can be considered as revolutionary methodology in the surveillance sector.